KJD Artist Development Announce Launch of Talent Development studio
A performance studio focused on creating future performing artists, KJD Artist Development is a place every talented child in and around Sydney in Australia should be at.
All children have abilities of one sort or another, though they don’t always reflect those of their parents. Your youngster might be the first in the family to have a knack for gymnastics or a penchant for the piano, or she might have a unique ability to make people laugh. Talent can appear in any form, but may need drawing out in order to shine. KJD Artist Development is a studio dedicated to honing the dancing, singing and acting skills of your child of any age grade whatsoever, and giving him or her the best there is to offer in the entertainment Industry.
Located in Wetherill Park, KJD Artist Development provides an opportunity for your talented but struggling kids to polish their skills with professional choreographers, teachers, producers, agents and managers working inside their studios. How kids practice, how they deal with failure, how they get praised, and how they are criticized, all play a part in the likelihood of achieving greatness, and KJD Artist Development know exactly how to manage these things.
For their singers, they have a recording studio where teachers, producers and engineers will enhance the skills of the students at any level, with all singing students enjoying the benefits of having the recording studio. Singers have a chance to grow and develop as KJD Artist Development Director Kristie Doyle is also the Director of Australian Record Label CTM Music and wants to progress her students into the professional world of singing teaching them songwriting skills as they advance as singers and has teachers and educators onboard who can take these young talents to that next level.
In 2017 five (5) of KJD Artist Developments skilled singers released under CTM Music their first EP, Emanate. Their music now available on iTunes, Spotify and over 20 digital download sites. The KJD Artists have attracted media attention with their songs even getting airplay on Australian and Canadian radio stations and media sources across the world posting about these young Artists on popular Blog sites.
And for their dancers, KJD artist studio has achieved 3rd and 4th rankings in world Hip Hop competitions and performances and is a well ranked dancing and acting studio in Australia. KJD Artist Development also have specialized classes like dance development classes, technical development classes, competitive performance classes, live performance development classes and some others to keep students growing and motivated. They also offer classes in hip hop, jazz, ballet (RAD), contemporary, musical theatre, hip hop classes and acrobatics.
KJD Artist Development is a place you would not want your talented kid to miss out on. They offer a 1 week unlimited class pass to any new students wanting to experience their classes as they believe their students gain the best results by being placed in classes that are a great fit for them.
For more information on KJD Artist Development, visit www.kjdartistdevelop.com.au
OR Facebook https://web.facebook.com/kjdartistdevelopment/
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